Get on the road with the Drive Guy!
You've come to the right place to get your Idaho state drive exam!I provide state drive testing for new drivers getting their license, adults who need re-testing, as well as for medical and age-related clearances.I've been providing state drive testing services in Spanish and English for over 20 years and look forward to helping you get on the road.To get started, just schedule your exam now!
How does it work?
1. Get Ready
Make sure you have all all the required paperwork. It's very important that you have all the items because without all of them, I cannot test you.Even if you think your insurance and registration are current, please verify the dates on the cards themselves have not expired.Your brake lights and turn signals also need to be in working order.Grab the checklist below so there are no surprises on the day of your test!Download the checklist!
2. Schedule the Test
Once you have all the paperwork, schedule your test! We’ll meet at Lowell Scott Middle School by the flagpole at the selected time and I'll check the necessary paperwork and settle up payment. The test costs $28.50 and needs to be in cash.Please note - the tester won't be able to make change.Once all the requirements are met, we'll begin the test!If you have questions about how this works, check out our frequently asked questions and see if we've got an answer for you.
3. Final Steps
Once your test is over, I'll let you know if you passed. If you pass, I'll give you a sealed envelope which you'll need to deliver to the DMV unopened.They will verify the results, you'll pay the DMV fees (if needed, you'll take the written test), then they'll take your picture. Congratulations!If the envelope is opened before delivery to the DMV, they won’t accept it and you’ll need to pay to re-test.If you are not successful passing the test, you can test again after 3 full business days.
Who will be testing me?
Your tester is Chad Arnell. He is a 6th generation Idahoan and has been a driver’s training instructor and state drive tester for over 20 years. He is also a National Safety Council certified defensive driving instructor. He has a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Boise State University and speaks both English and Spanish. When he's not driving, he loves traveling through Latin America and enjoying the Idaho outdoors with his family.
Contact Us
Do you need to get ahold of us or have questions that aren't answered here? Shoot us an email or give us a call at (208) 371-3869 and we'll get it answered.
Frequently Asked Questions
Before the Exam
Where do we meet? - Lowell Scott Middle School off Eagle/McMillan. We’ll meet by the flagpole in front of the school by the main doors of the school.
Where can I find the Medical Skills Evaluation form? - You can download the form from the ITD website.
Exam Details
What items will be scored on the test? - Acceleration, Gap or Stop Line, Speed, Attentive, Lane Position , Lane Changes, Parking, Steering Control, Right-of-Way, Deceleration, Signals, Spacing, Turns, and Unnecessary Stops
Do you have a cool list I can use to practice? - Sure do: download it here.
Can I bring my parent/guardian for the test? - By state law, only 1 parent can ride along and must sign a liability waiver. Do note, parents will not be able to coach or talk to their child during the test or else test will result in an automatic fail.
Do I have to live in Ada/Canyon county to test with you? - Nope, you are not required to test in the county where you reside. I’m happy to test you if you can make it to Lowell Scott Middle School.
After the Exam
How long do I have to take the envelope to the DMV? - You’ll have up to 1 year but sooner is better.
Public Notice of Title VI Program RightsThe Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) gives public notice of its policy to uphold and assure full compliance with the non-discrimination requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related Nondiscrimination authorities. Title VI and related Nondiscrimination authorities stipulate that no person in the United States of American shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income level, of Limited English Proficiency, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.Any person who desires more information regarding ITD's Title VI Program can contact Asali Crisp/Office of Civil Rights Program Manager and Title VI Program Coordinator -- at the address noted below.Any person who believes they have, individually or as a member of any specific class of persons, been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income level, or Limited English Proficiency has the right to file a formal complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted within 180 days following the date of the alleged occurrence to:Asali Crisp, Civil Rights Program Manager
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID 83707
[email protected]